分(Fen)配(Pei)阀(Fa) Distribution Valve | S阀(Fa)管(Guan),镶(Xiang)嵌(Qian)硬(Ying)质(Zhi)合(He)金(Jin)材(Cai)料(Liao)的(De)眼(Yan)镜(Jing)板(Ban)、(?)切(Qie)割(Ge)环(Huan)、(?)使(Shi)用(Yong)寿(Shou)命(Ming)超(Chao)过(Guo)30000方(Fang),S阀(Fa)管(Guan)可(Ke)自(Zi)动(Dong)补(Bu)偿(Chang)磨(Mo)损(Sun)间(Jian)隙(Xi),密(Mi)封(Feng)性(Xing)能(Neng)好(Hao),适(Shi)宜(Yi)于(Yu)高(Gao)层(Ceng)及(Ji)长(Chang)距(Ju)离(Li)泵(Beng)送(Song)。(?) s valve cylinders are made of glass-like plate and cutting ring embedded with rigid alloy,whose service life is over 30000 cubic meters.S valve cvlinders can automatically compensate the wearing clearance and be sealed perfectly.It is suitable for transferring in higher height or in longer distance. |
主(Zhu)泵(Beng),阀(Fa)组(Zu) main oil pump valve group | 原(Yuan)装(Zhuang)泵(Beng)组(Zu)。(?)使(Shi)用(Yong)寿(Shou)命(Ming)长(Chang)、(?)故(Gu)障(Zhang)率(Lu)低(Di)、(?)系(Xi)统(Tong)发(Fa)热(Re)量(Liang)小(Xiao),(?)主(Zhu)油(You)泵(Beng)有(You)恒(Heng)功(Gong)率(Lu)控(Kong)制(Zhi)功(Gong)能(Neng),可(Ke)负(Fu)荷(He)不(Bu)超(Chao)载(Zai),(?)大(Da)程(Cheng)度(Du)利(Li)用(Yong)发(Fa)动(Dong)机(Ji)功(Gong)率(Lu),同(Tong)时(Shi)具(Ju)有(You)压(Ya)力(Li)切(Qie)断(Duan)功(Gong)能(Neng)。(?) Oriqinal bump group is characterized in long service life,high controlling precision,low failure rate,and low system heat value.The main oil pump valve group has the function of constant power controling,which can make sure no overload and use the engine power in largest extent.And also has the function of cutting-off under relevant pressure.The bump group comprises products from Italian Atos and American Sunny. |
电(Dian)器(Qi)系(Xi)统(Tong) Electric System | *采(Cai)用(Yong)可(Ke)编(Bian)程(Cheng)控(Kong)制(Zhi)器(Qi),控(Kong)制(Zhi)无(Wu)误(Wu),降(Jiang)低(Di)了(Liao)电(Dian)气(Qi)系(Xi)统(Tong)故(Gu)障(Zhang)率(Lu)。(?) *采(Cai)用(Yong)"一(Yi)体(Ti)化(Hua)电(Dian)源(Yuan)"能(Neng)提(Ti)供(Gong)稳(Wen)定(Ding)的(De)电(Dian)气(Qi)控(Kong)制(Zhi)电(Dian)源(Yuan),保(Bao)护(Hu)电(Dian)气(Qi)系(Xi)统(Tong)的(De)每(Mei)个(Ge)电(Dian)气(Qi)元(Yuan)件(Jian). *电(Dian)气(Qi)元(Yuan)件(Jian)采(Cai)用(Yong)"欧(Ou)姆(Mu)龙(Long)、(?)三(San)菱(Ling)、(?)施(Shi)耐(Nai)德(De)"等(Deng)原(Yuan)装(Zhuang)件(Jian),出(Chu)现(Xian)故(Gu)障(Zhang)。(?) *配(Pei)电(Dian)箱(Xiang)采(Cai)用(Yong)无(Wu)线(Xian)遥(Yao)控(Kong)器(Qi),便(Bian)于(Yu)操(Cao)作(Zuo)减(Jian)少(Shao)人(Ren)工(Gong),具(Ju)有(You)良(Liang)好(Hao)操(Cao)控(Kong)特(Te)性(Xing)。(?) *The imported PLC controllers can make sure control accurately and reliably,as well as largely reduce the failure rate of electric system. *The integrated power is used to provide stable electrical control power supply,and to validly protect every electrical element of the electrical system. *Electric elements are imported parts from Omron,Mitsubishi,and Schneider,which seldom failed. *Distribution box can be controlled by wireless remote controller,so that unnecessary manual work can be reduced and the operation features is the best. |
液(Ye)压(Ya)系(Xi)统(Tong) Hydraulic System | *双(Shuang)泵(Beng)开(Kai)式(Shi)油(You)路(Lu),为(Wei)砼(Tong)泵(Beng)经(Jing)典(Dian)的(De)液(Ye)压(Ya)油(You)路(Lu)设(She)计(Ji).因(Yin)为(Wei)各(Ge)工(Gong)作(Zuo)系(Xi)统(Tong)由(You)单(Dan)独(Du)的(De)油(You)泵(Beng)驱(Qu)动(Dong),可(Ke)增(Zeng)加(Jia)液(Ye)压(Ya)系(Xi)统(Tong)寿(Shou)命(Ming),节(Jie)约(Yue)能(Neng)源(Yuan),减(Jian)少(Shao)系(Xi)统(Tong)发(Fa)热(Re)情(Qing)况(Kuang)。(?) *具(Ju)备(Bei)溢(Yi)流(Liu)、(?)压(Ya)力(Li)切(Qie)断(Duan)双(Shuang)重(Zhong)保(Bao)护(Hu), *管(Guan)接(Jie)头(Tou)采(Cai)用(Yong)锥(Zhui)面(Mian)密(Mi)封(Feng),液(Ye)压(Ya)油(You)管(Guan)采(Cai)用(Yong)"玛(Ma)努(Nu)利(Li) "管(Guan)路(Lu)系(Xi)统(Tong)的(De)稳(Wen)定(Ding)性(Xing)。(?) *主(Zhu)油(You)缸(Gang)高(Gao)、(?)低(Di)压(Ya)切(Qie)换(Huan)采(Cai)用(Yong)转(Zhuan)阀(Fa)设(She)计(Ji),不(Bu)用(Yong)拆(Chai)卸(Xie)胶(Jiao)管(Guan),减(Jian)少(Shao)液(Ye)压(Ya)油(You)二(?)次(Ci)污(Wu)染(Ran).又(You)非(Fei)常(Chang)方(Fang)便(Bian)。(?) *油(You)箱(Xiang)内(Nei)壁(Bi)通(Tong)过(Guo)酸(Suan)洗(Xi)磷(Lin)化(Hua)后(Hou)防(Fang)锈(Xiu)不(Bu)易(Yi)生(Sheng)锈(Xiu)避(Bi)免(Mian)造(Zao)成(Cheng)油(You)液(Ye)污(Wu)染(Ran)。(?) *one open loop respectively equipped on double pumps is a classic designed hydraulic circuit for the double pumps.Because each work system can be supported by separated oil pump.the service life of each hydraulic system can be validly increased,energy can be saved,and fever ot tne system can be mitigated. "Be featured with double protection of overflow and shut-off under pressure to increase the reliability. *Pipe Jjoints are sealed by conical surface according to the international standard.The hydraulic pipes are the pipes from Manuli to ensure the reliability of the pipe system. *The main oil pipe is with the rotary valve which can switch between high pressure and low pressure.The design can avoid dismounting the rubber pipe and reduce the secondary pollution by the hydraulic oil.The operation can be done very conveniently and rapidly. *Inner wall of the oil box can be anti-rusted to avoid oil pollution after pickling and phosphating. |
参(Can)数(Shu)名(Ming)称(Cheng) Name of parameter | 单(Dan)位(Wei) | HBT8013-90S | HBT8013-110S | HBT8013-145S | HBT8013-176S | ||||
输(Shu)送(Song)量(Liang)Maximum transferring volume | M3/h | 80/45 | 80/45 | 88/54 | 95/60 | ||||
泵(Beng)送(Song)出(Chu)口(Kou)压(Ya)力(Li) Maximum pumping pressure of output | Mpa | 13/7 | 16/7 | 13/7 | 16/7 | ||||
理(Li)论(Lun)垂(Chui)直(Zhi)输(Shu)送(Song)距(Ju)离(Li)Maximum vertical transferring distance | m | 270 | 350 | 270 | 350 | ||||
理(Li)论(Lun)水(Shui)平(Ping)输(Shu)送(Song)距(Ju)离(Li) Maximum horizontal transferring distance | m | 1200 | 1600 | 1200 | 1600 | ||||
分(Fen)配(Pei)阀(Fa)形(Xing)式(Shi) Type of distribution valve | - | S阀(Fa)管(Guan) S valve | |||||||
混(Hun)凝(Ning)土(Tu)缸(Gang)规(Gui)格(Ge):(?)缸(Gang)径(Jing)*行(Xing)径(Jing)Concretecylinder size:inner diameterxstroke | mm | 200x1650 | 200x1650 | 200x1650 | 200x1650 | ||||
料(Liao)斗(Dou)容(Rong)积(Ji) Hopper volume | L | 800 | |||||||
上(Shang)料(Liao)高(Gao)度(Du)Feeding height | mm | 1400 | |||||||
发(Fa)动(Dong)机(Ji)型(Xing)号(Hao) Engine type | - | Y2-280M-4 | Y2-315S-4 | 道(Dao)依(Yi)茨(Ci)176 Deutz176 | 道(Dao)依(Yi)茨(Ci)145 Deutz145 | ||||
功(Gong)率(Lu)Power | kw | 90 | 110 | 145 | 176 | ||||
额(E)定(Ding)电(Dian)压(Ya) Nominal voltage | V | 380 | 24 | ||||||
额(E)定(Ding)转(Zhuan)速(Su)Rated speed | r/min | 1480 | 2400 | ||||||
无(Wu)线(Xian)遥(Yao)控(Kong)Wireless remote control | - | 选(Xuan)配(Pei) Choose whether or not equipped with | |||||||
液(Ye)压(Ya)形(Xing)式(Shi)Hydraulic form | 开(Kai)式(Shi)回(Hui)路(Lu) Open loop | ||||||||
泵(Beng)送(Song)系(Xi)统(Tong)油(You)压(Ya) Oil pressure of pumping system | Mpa | 32 | |||||||
液(Ye)压(Ya)油(You)箱(Xiang)容(Rong)积(Ji) Volume of the hydraulic oil cylinder | L | 500 | |||||||
允(Yun)浒(Hu)骨(Gu)科(Ke)颗(Ke)粒(Li)直(Zhi)径(Jing)Maximum allowed diameter of rigid grain | mm | 卵(Luan)石(Shi)50mm*碎(Sui)石(Shi)40mm grait50mm*Macadam40mm | |||||||
混(Hun)聚(Ju)土(Tu)输(Shu)送(Song)管(Guan)内(Nei)径(Jing)Inner diameter of concrete cylinder | mm | 125/150 | |||||||
外(Wai)形(Xing):长(Chang)*宽(Kuan)*高(Gao)Dimension(L*W*H): | mm | 6200*2160*2330 | 6200*2160*2330 | 6500*2160*2400 | 6500*2160*2600 | ||||
整(Zheng)车(Che)质(Zhi)量(Liang) Total weight | kg | 6000 | 6500 | 6600 | 6700 |
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